Blood and Glory – the third stage of labour
Workshop for birth workers
Are you attending births and would like to enhance your practice around the natural birth of the placenta? Are you a doula, doctor, midwife, student midwife, birthkeeper? If so, this workshop could be for you.
This is a day of shared wisdom, of storytelling, of mutual trust and learning within a circle held by Nicky Grace, an experienced group facilitator.
Together we will explore the biophysical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of this crucial stage of birth. The baby has been born, but until the placenta is also born, the birth is not complete.
We will go on a journey of learning together that has deep meaning but is supremely practical. Nicky will gather what each person needs to learn and aim to address these learning needs, but the overall aim is that by the end of the day you will feel more confident in your practice to support a natural, unmanaged birth of the placenta or third stage of labour.
This is not going to be primarily about managing emergencies, though I’m sure we will touch on excessive blood loss and what to do about it. But what we want is to avoid that emergency arising in the first place. So many birth workers have rarely if ever attended an unmanaged third stage, they can feel quite lost and have to turn to pharmacological drugs which are usually unnecessary if the birth itself has been uncomplicated. If the midwife or other birth attendant doesn’t know what to do if the placenta has not emerged after the statutory hour, they tend to think ‘belt and braces’ and give the injection of syntocinon or syntometrine. In this workshop you will learn to feel more confident in the skills of physiological placental birth.
Help your sisters and yourself to remember these precious skills and come along to this workshop to discover all about the blood and glory that is the birth of the placenta, the safe conclusion of the birth, and the beginning of the next stage of relationship of the motherbaby dyad.